Bug 000224

When Created: 06/13/1998 14:08:04
Against DJGPP version: 2.01
By whom:
Abstract: Passing a pointer to a function results in the pointer being a little off
I'm not sure if this is my fault (mainly because I'm new to C, and I'm young. ;-),
but when passing a pointer to a function, the pointer passed to the function is
a couple bytes off. For example:

short *pbuffer2;
 //Function code here...

 // pbuffer would = 0x05c2c on my system (I will include the real source
 // at the bottom)

 short *vrtbuffer;

 if((vrtbuffer = (short *)malloc(BUFFERLENGTH)) == NULL) //which ='s 0x05c30 on my system
  printf("Error: Not enough memory to allocate virtual video buffer!\n");
  printf("Error: Free up some more memory!\n");

 //More code down here

I don't know if this is me, and I'm sure there's a work around for my situation,
but for those unavoidables (if any exist), I'd just like to point this out.

David Pejinsky

Here's the source of my program, which is (sort of) a simple star simulator,
much like the Windows 95 Screen Saver.

------------------cut here--------------------
//|    Star Simulator    |
//| By David C. Pejinsky |

#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <go32.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <sys/movedata.h>

//Misc definitions
#define MAXSTARS                200
#define MAXZPOS                 0xFFFF

//Video definitions
#define VIDEOMEM                0xA0000
#define BUFFERLENGTH            64000

#define WaitRetrace()           while(!(inportb(0x3DA) & 8))

struct star
 int xpos;
 int ypos;
 int zpos;
 int opos;
 int color; //Not used as of yet
} stars[MAXSTARS];

void init_mcga(void)
 union REGS r; = 0x0013;
 int86(0x10, &r, &r);

void init_text(void)
 union REGS r; = 0x0003;
 int86(0x10, &r, &r);

// NewX = MaxZ * X / (MaxZ - Z) + X
// NewY = MaxZ * Z / (MaxZ - Z) + Y
// (Note: Those formula's are NOT right! ;-)

// Coord = X + (Y * 320)
// *((Buffer) + Coord) = Color

void update_stars(buffer) //Same pointer, different function (see main())
short *buffer;
 short vidbuffer;
 int coord;
 int i, x, y, z, newx, newy;

 for (i = 0; i < MAXSTARS; i++)
  *((buffer) + stars[i].opos) = 0;
  x = stars[i].xpos;
  y = stars[i].ypos;
  z = stars[i].zpos;
  if (x >= 320 || x <= 0 || y >= 200 || y <= 0 || z <= 0)
  newx = x / (MAXZPOS - z) + x;
  newy = y / (MAXZPOS - z) + y;
//  newx = randnum(320);
//  newy = randnum(200);
  coord = newx + (newy * 320);
  *((buffer) + coord) = 30; // Color White
  stars[i].zpos -= 16;
  stars[i].opos = coord;
  vidbuffer = __dpmi_segment_to_descriptor(0xA000);
  movedata(_my_ds(), &buffer, vidbuffer, 0x0000, BUFFERLENGTH);
// printf("Function \'update_stars()\': *vrtbuffer located at 0x%x\n", &buffer);

void generate_stars()
 int i;

 for (i = 0; i < MAXSTARS; i++)
  stars[i].xpos = randnum(320) - 160;
  stars[i].ypos = randnum(200) - 100;
  stars[i].zpos = MAXZPOS - 1;
  stars[i].opos = 0;
 printf("Init: Generated stars.\n");

void newstar(i2)
int i2;
  stars[i2].xpos = randnum(320) - 160;
  stars[i2].ypos = randnum(200) - 100;
  stars[i2].zpos = MAXZPOS - 1;
  stars[i2].opos = 0;

//I ripped this off someone, so the credit goes to them.
int randnum(max)
 float n=(float)rand()/((float)(RAND_MAX));
 int val=(int)floor(n*max);

 if (val>=max)

 short *vrtbuffer;
 int i;

 if((vrtbuffer = (short *)malloc(BUFFERLENGTH)) == NULL)
  printf("Error: Not enough memory to allocate virtual video buffer!\n");
  printf("Error: Free up some more memory!\n");
 printf("Video: *vrtbuffer located at 0x%x\n", &vrtbuffer);
 printf("Video: Press any key to continue...\n");
  ; //do nothing
 memset(&vrtbuffer, 0, BUFFERLENGTH);
  update_stars(&vrtbuffer); //Here's where the pointer passing begins.
 while (!kbhit());
 printf("Exit: *vrtbuffer address = 0x%x\n", &vrtbuffer); //Same pointer, same function
 printf("Exit: Allocated memory freed.\n");
------------------cut here--------------------

Note added: 04/14/1999 08:00:30
By whom:
No DJGPP problem: the program shown is buggy. Passes a
(short *) variable to a function accepting (short *), but says
function(&variable). Same error in the memset() call as well.

Closed on 04/14/1999 08:00:54: Non-bug: error in user code
By whom:

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