) Values for NDIS status code: 0000h success 0001h wait for release--protocol has retained control of the data buffer 0002h request queued 0003h frame not recognized 0004h frame rejected 0005h frame should be forwarded 0006h out of resource 0007h invalid parameter 0008h invalid function 0009h not supported 000Ah hardware error 000Bh transmit error 000Ch unrecognized destination 000Dh buffer too small 0020h already started 0021h binding incomplete 0022h driver not initialized 0023h hardware not found 0024h hardware failure 0025h configuration failure 0026h interrupt conflict 0027h MAC incompatible 0028h initialization failed 0029h no binding 002Ah network may be disconnected 002Bh incompatible OS version 002Ch already registered 002Dh path not found 002Eh insufficient memory 002Fh info not found 00FFh general failure F000h-FFFFh reserved for vendor-specific codes, treated as general failure