Format of HUNTER 16 communications parameters: Offset Size Description ) 00h BYTE communications type (00h IBM, nonzero Husky) 01h BYTE port number (00h COM1, 01h COM2) 02h BYTE baud rate (00h 110 bps, 01h 150, 02h 300, 03h 600, 04h 1200, 05h 2400, 06h 4800, 07h 9600, 08h 19200, 09h 38400) 03h BYTE data bits (01h seven, 02h eight) 04h BYTE parity (00h none, 01h odd, 02h even) 05h BYTE stop bits (00h one, 01h two) 06h BYTE handshake (see #00348) 07h BYTE handshake protocol (00h none, 01h Xon/Xoff, 02h HWK3780) 08h BYTE Nulls after CR (0-20) 09h BYTE LF (00h off, 01h on) 0Ah BYTE Serig. 0..7Fh: Ignore this character 80h: Serig off 0Bh BYTE echo (00h off, 01h on) 0Ch BYTE transmit timeout in seconds (1-60) or 00h to disable 0Dh BYTE receive timeout in seconds (1-60) or 00h to disable 0Eh 5 BYTEs reserved