Bitfields for MS-DOS v6.22 KEYB flags B: Bit(s) Description ) 15 INT 16/AH=1xh supported (INT 16h/AH=92h call returns AH<=80h) if clear, extended keyboard scan codes are immediately discarded 14 INT 16/AH=2xh supported (INT 16h/AH=A2h call returns AH<=80h) 13 unused (0) 12 network installed (INT 2F/AX=B800h) 11 original IBM PC (BIOS date 1981) 10 PC or PC/XT (BIOS machine type byte of FBh or FEh) 9 PC Convertible (BIOS machine type byte of F9h); use INT 15/AX=4104h 8 unused (0) 7 IBM PS/2 model 30 (BIOS machine type byte of FAh) 6 IBM AT (BIOS machine type FCh) 5 IBM PS/2 (BIOS machine type F8h) 4 PS/2 and unknown only: non-standard 8042 reported by INT 15/AH=C0h =1: after keyboard self test resulting AAh, INT 09 handler will (re)set keyboard code-set 1 and temporarily disable a PS/2 mouseport. 3 temporary flag??? 2-0 ??? SeeAlso: #02972,#02973