Format of NetWare "Read Queue Job Entry (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description ) 00h WORD (call) 0100h (size of following results) 02h BYTE client station number 03h BYTE client task number 04h DWORD object ID of client 08h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of target server FFFFFFFFh if any server acceptable 0Ch 6 BYTEs target execution time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) FFFFFFFFFFFFh if serviced as soon as possible 12h 6 BYTEs job entry time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) 18h WORD (big-endian) job number 1Ah WORD (big-endian) job type 1Ch BYTE job position 1Dh BYTE job control flags (see #01980) 1Eh 14 BYTEs ASCIZ job filename 2Ch 6 BYTEs job file handle 32h BYTE server station 33h BYTE server task number 34h DWORD object ID of server 38h 50 BYTEs ASCIZ job description string 6Ah 152 BYTEs client record area SeeAlso: #01978