Call VIDRAM entry point with:
	AH = 00h get status
		Return: AL = VIDRAM state (see #03081)
			BL = extra RAM status (see #03082)
			BH = feature flags (see #03083)
			CL = current monitor (01h = mono, 80h = color)
			SI = current top of memory (paragraph)
			DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain
	AH = 01h setup
		AL = VIDRAM state (see #03081)
		BL = extra RAM status (see #03082)
		BH = feature flags (see #03083)
		CL = monitor (01h = monochrome, 80h = color)
		SI = new top of memory (paragraph)
		DI = segment of start of HiRAM chain
	AH = 02h get end address of VIDRAM code
		Return: ES:DI -> VIDRAM partial map context (see #03084,#03085)
Return: CF set on error
	CF clear if successful